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Thursday, February 21, 2008

DiRT - PS3

Codemasters Sep 11, 2007 »

As a graphical showpiece, DiRT is an unbridled success. It also happens to be an entirely enjoyable rally racer.

The Good
Six distinct racing disciplines
Enjoyable mix of arcade and simulation driving
Gorgeous-looking tracks, and cars that deform and break apart very nicely
Tons of offline races to play through
The PS3 version's frame rate maintains a steady 30 fps with very few dips.

The Bad
Cars have something of a floaty feel to them
Multiplayer options are like a cruel joke.

There have been plenty of driving games of late that have been visually impressive, but very few live up to the visual fidelity displayed by DiRT. This game is a technical achievement in car design, track design, and damage modeling. To begin with, the cars are beautifully rendered, highly detailed models that are as fantastic to look at as they are to destroy. Damage modeling is one of the most impressive aspects of the game; you can lose bumpers or doors, break glass, tear up the paintjob, and roll your ride into a crushed, deformed mess. Tracks are equally beautiful and destructible. From the rain-slick tarmac tracks of Japan and the dusty backroads of Italy to the muddy, gravelly countryside of the UK, DiRT nails every environment wonderfully. The game also uses lighting to fantastic effect, not just to emphasize how shiny and reflective the cars are, but to give each track an individual atmosphere.

Driving around desert mountains in the washed-out haze of late day is an amazing sight to behold, for sure. And if you feel like tearing up these tracks, you can bust through fences, barriers, bushes, and anything else not held to the ground with concrete. All the while, dirt, mud, or gravel will kick up against and often stick to your car, making the game's namesake seem entirely appropriate.

One of the big complaints about DiRT on the 360 and PC was that it simply didn't perform very well. The PC version looked choppy on a near-constant basis, and the 360 version had a tendency to tank pretty badly during multicar races. On the other hand, the PlayStation 3 version is nearly flawless in this regard. The game maintains a steady 30-frames-per-second rate for the vast bulk of the game, and the few scattered dips in performance are very brief and hardly noticeable. The extra time between releases seems to have benefited this version a great deal.
The quality of the presentation doesn't begin and end with the in-game graphics either. Even the menu system is immaculately built. It's hard to describe it, except to call it a bunch of floating boxes with selectable options that zoom in and out as you select them. Even the loading screens are cool because they display real-time statistics on your game, such as your favorite tracks or vehicles, your average speed, and even your favorite driving surface. Menus are usually a forgotten element of a game unless they're specifically bad, so the fact that DiRT's are notable for how good they are says something.

Audio is not quite as immediately impressive as the visuals, but it is great all the same. Engine noise is probably the best aspect because each car has a definitive and unique sound to it that feels just right. Crashes and other racing effects are also excellently produced. The soundtrack isn't licensed, but the instrumentals that play over the various menus and replays are quite solid. The only damper on the category is your codriver, an obnoxious, bro-sounding dolt whose dialogue sounds like it was written by a nonnative English speaker and whose only reference for the language was reruns of Saved By the Bell. Lines like "Smooth and steady; I'm Mr. Smooth, and you're Mr. Steady," and "Yeah! We won the championship! I'm so stoked!" are funny once, but then they're annoying from there on out. At least he gives you some good info on the tracks before you race

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